by Ruben Gonzalez | Jul 2, 2015 | Achievement, Attitude, Goal Setting, Peak Performance, Popular, Self Talk, Success
Read this first thing in the morning and last thing at night with power and passion (preferably while looking at yourself eyeball to eyeball in the mirror) and watch your life change. For a free letter sized printable PDF version of this go to: ...
by Ruben Gonzalez | Jul 2, 2015 | Achievement, Attitude, Goal Setting, Leadership, Peak Performance, Planning, Self Talk, Success
The quality of your state of mind determines the quality of your results in whatever you do. The things you do first thing in the morning set your mental tone for the rest of the day. I challenge you to get radical for the next 30 days. To do something you have never...
by Ruben Gonzalez | Jul 2, 2015 | Peak Performance, Planning, Self Talk, Success
How do you find the consistency to keep doing what you know you need to do day after day after day after day? Great question. I’ve struggled with it all my life. How do I get myself to consistently do what I know I need to be doing? Like anything else,...
by Ruben Gonzalez | Jul 2, 2015 | Achievement, Attitude, Fun Adventures, Inspirational Stories, Motivational Stories, Overcoming Challenges, Peak Performance, Self Talk, Success
Totaled my sled and broke some bones… Top achievers in every field understand that words have the power to condition the mind to succeed or fail. Whenever you say something, your mind tries to build a case for it. If you call yourself “stupid” the mind does a...
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