“Everyone thanked me for bringing you in. You made me look great!”
Karen Pena – Meeting Professionals International
Imagine Hearing this from Your Attendees
“You were our best speaker ever! Your wonderful story resonates with people of all ages.”
Maryellen Reinhart – Special Olympics
“Ruben’s story relates to everyday situations. Thanks for sharing your gift and talent.”
Donisha Spicer – Marriott
“Ruben’s energy and zeal really lit the torch in my heart! Motivational, encouraging and funny!”
Jane Hudson – Health One
“This was a fantastic lesson on leadership for business.”
Caroline Basyn – CIO – Bacardi
“Ruben’s message is still resonating with me long after I heard him speak.”
Dianna Gould – Society of HR Mgmt (SHRM)
“Ruben did a phenomenal job at our sales kick off.”
Mariana Castro – General Manager – Microsoft
“We were captivated from the moment Ruben took the stage!”
Angelina Elizondo – VP – Xerox