by Ruben Gonzalez | Jul 3, 2015 | Achievement, Peak Performance, Planning, Success
Thomas Edison Would you like to be able to reach your goals in half the time? Would you like to have a greater sense of control over your life? People that have a sense of control over their lives are happier and more confident than people who feel out of control. A...
by Ruben Gonzalez | Jul 3, 2015 | Achievement, Goal Setting, Planning, Success
Success is about getting from point A to point B. It’s about knowing where you are and knowing where you want to end up. It’s not about getting rich and diving a sports car (unless your goal is to get rich and drive a sports car). Get it? Success simply...
by Ruben Gonzalez | Jul 3, 2015 | Achievement, Goal Setting, Planning, Success
As you set goals and begin working towards them, it is critical that you establish benchmarks you can use to evaluate your progress. The more specific your measures are, the faster you’ll reach your goals because you’ll reduce wasted time. Going back to...
by Ruben Gonzalez | Jul 3, 2015 | Achievement, Goal Setting, Planning, Success
Imagine that you are about to drive your family on a cross-country trip from Los Angeles to New York City. Your first step would be to determine exactly where you were and where you wanted to go. Then you would get an appropriate map (a map of Europe would not do) and...
by Ruben Gonzalez | Jul 2, 2015 | Achievement, Attitude, Goal Setting, Inspirational Stories, Motivational Stories, Overcoming Challenges, Peak Performance, Planning, Success
Olympic Bobsled Most people go through life making decisions based on just a fraction of their available options. They hold themselves back because they allow circumstances or other people’s opinions limit their perceived choices. My grandmother grew up in a very...
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