by Ruben Gonzalez | Jul 12, 2015 | Achievement, Leadership, Peak Performance, Success
Belief is the first step to success. Even believing something is possible is a good thing. Once you believe, you can start working on figuring out “how” you will accomplish your goal. Wishful thinking has no power. The ‘how will I do it” always comes from belief. When...
by Ruben Gonzalez | Jul 12, 2015 | Achievement, Attitude, Leadership, Success
Successful people don’t make excuses. They could, but they don’t. An excuse is an alibi that helps someone save face when they are not producing the results they should be producing. Nobody wants to hear your excuses. They just want to know what you intend to do to...
by Ruben Gonzalez | Jul 12, 2015 | Achievement, Attitude, People Skills, Success
1 – Think only positive thoughts. 2 – Replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts. 3 – Walk faster. Walk with purpose. 4 – Stand in a confident manner: head up high, shoulders back, stomach in. 5 – Look people in the eye and smile. 6...
by Ruben Gonzalez | Jul 12, 2015 | Achievement, Ruben's Travels
Winter in Wyoming… Two days ago I was on the sunny beaches of Cancun and today I was in blizzard in Wyoming. There’s never a dull day in the speaking business! That’s why I love it. Wyoming, the cowboy state, is gorgeous. I’ve gotten to spend...
by Ruben Gonzalez | Jul 10, 2015 | Achievement, Attitude, Goal Setting, Leadership, Success
It’s Not Just About Sales Goals by Michelle Nichols Feeling stuck? Batteries low? Need a motivational shot in the arm? Try setting a Big Hairy Goal for yourself! You probably have plenty of sales goals, but do you have a Big Hairy Goal? Every salesperson should....
by Ruben Gonzalez | Jul 10, 2015 | Achievement, Attitude, Success
1 – Focus on what you can do NOW! 2 – Don’t wait until conditions are perfect. Done is better than perfect. 3 – Ideas by themselves are useless. Ideas acted upon are priceless. 4 – If you act now and face your fear the fear will disappear. 5 – Don’t wait until you...
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